We continue to install best in class products using certified labor across the Front Range as an Owens Corning Platinum Preferred Contractor. Contact us today with your roofing questions!

When you make a significant investment in your home, such as upgrading your current roofing system, you want to know that your investment will last you for years to come. As this is no small undertaking, it feels good to have peace of mind when upgrading such a significant aspect of your home. Since 2013, Cenco Building Services has been the top remodeling company in Denver, offering our customers many solutions for their homes. Even earning an A+ rating from the BBB, we’ve built our reputation from being trustworthy and professional. Besides offering the best services in the Rockies, we’re glad to provide our customers tips and tricks regarding their roofing service.

How Long Will Your Roofing System Last

When considering an asphalt shingle roof, you can expect to get about 25 years. So, if your roof is approaching that milestone, it’s time to start thinking about calling the local roof replacement experts to handle your needs. If you’re not sure how old your roof is, our professional inspection team will come out and give it a look over to help you determine when repair or replacement might be necessary.

Choose A Reputable Team

If you know that your roof has hit that quarter-century mark, you’ll want to work with a roofing company with a track record of delivering exceptional services. Here are a few things that you should consider when hiring a roofing contractor:

  • Full-Service Support: Make sure that the company you’re choosing can cover a wide range of needs such as inspection, adjusting, designing, and installing.
  • Broad Range Expertise: With a focus on craftsmanship, you want to partner with a team that can pay special attention to your home’s roof details.
  • Manufacturer Certification: Check if they’re backed by popular manufacturers such as Owens Corning or GAF.
  • Guaranteed Quality: For your roof to live out its entire 25-year lifespan, make sure that the company guarantees the quality of their work. Check for recent reviews and ratings.

Get in Touch with the Denver Experts

When you’re seeking a roofing job that will leave you with a long-lasting, 25-year roof, you’ll want to partner with Cenco Building Services. We provide our clients with a wide range of top-rated roofing services that facilitate an extended roof life. Give us a call today, or fill out the online form for your free, no-obligation estimate.

Trust the best in the industry–Trust Owens Corning! Call us today for a free roof inspection by your local Owens Corning Platinum Preferred contractor at Cenco Building Services. Call today at (720)-583-1690.

Believe it or not, it can be difficult to tell when you’ve had wind damage to your roof. At Cenco Building Services, we stand out among Denver storm restoration companies because we want to make sure our clients are educated about what wind damage really is. The sooner you recognize the signs of wind damage and contact storm restoration contractors to ameliorate the damage, the better off you’ll be in the long run.

When to Check for Wind Damage

In order to stay on top of any potential damage issues that could be threatening your home, you’ll want to go ahead and check for damages whenever there is a serious wind event. This can mean that it’s important to stay on top of the weather forecast. Both snowstorms and rainstorms can bring in serious wind damage that can ultimately wreak havoc on your roof. If you’re gearing up to check, you want to make sure you have a safe ladder to inspect your roof. If you don’t feel comfortable on a ladder, contact your local Denver roofing company to help you inspect.

Signs of Wind Damage

There are a few telltale signs of wind damage that can alert you right away that there are issues you’re facing with your roof. When you see just a little bit of this kind of damage, you’ll want to contact storm restoration services right away. Because often, a bit of damage indicates there is more where that came from that might be out of view. Here’s what to look out for:

  • Loose or Missing Shingles
  • Shingles that are Curling or Peeling at the Edges
  • Granule Loss on the Shingles
  • Damaged Soffit or Fascia Around the Roof
  • Crooked or Damaged Chimneys
  • Interior Leaking or Ceiling Discoloration

What to Do If You Find Wind Damage

As soon as you observe one of these signs, you should contact a roofing contractor right away. Through our years in the business, at Cenco Building Services we’ve witnessed the damage that can occur when a customer delays addressing their roof damage. Don’t wait-you will end up paying for it in the end.

Reach Out to Cenco Building Services for Denver Storm Restoration

If you need to work with a trustworthy building company that will provide you with high quality roofing services, contact Cenco Building Services. We’re proud to be working with amazing clients throughout the Denver area to restore their roofs into great condition after wind damage.

Colorado experiences four full seasons and a lot more wind than you might realize. Temperature extremes are a little milder on the Western side of the United States but the Rocky Mountains make up for that with daily fluctuations from one extreme to the other and snowfall measured in feet. But that’s not all–the geography in Colorado means that summer thunderstorms can wreak havoc with intense flooding and significant hail. All this weather adds up to one big question–what is the best roofing system for your home or business in Colorado? Smooth sales pitches aside, what you really need to know when you’re in the market for a new roof is what is going to stand up to the elements in the Colorado weather?

A Recommendation from Local Roofing Experts in Colorado

Cenco Building Services is a locally-owned roofing company with nearly a decade of experience providing transparent, quality service across Colorado. Founded in 2013, this Owen’s Corning Platinum Preferred Contractor is your leading hail damage and roofing specialist in Colorado. When it comes to choosing the right roofing materials, Cenco’s roofers acknowledge that there are some regional differences depending on where you’re located. If you’re in a valley you might have different needs than someone in the mountains. But generally speaking, they recommend a class IV impact-resistant roof. They also recommend outfitting your roof with continuous intake and exhaust ventilation as well as ice and water barriers along the eaves and valleys.

What is Class IV Impact-Resistant Roofing?

According to the industry-leading roofing manufacturer Owens Corning, class 4 impact-resistant roofing is engineered to stand up to the brute force of intense storms. If your Colorado home sees a lot of hail and high winds, the right roofing materials can lower the risk of storm damage. It’s a level of protection that is well worth the investment. Class IV impact-resistant roofing from Owens Corning features:

  • Polymer-Based Mesh Reinforcement
  • Rubber-Like Polymer Additives for Flexibility
  • Damage-Resistance to Withstand Significant Force
  • High Wind Ratings

Other Roofing Options Based on Cost

While class IV impact-resistant roofing is the top recommendation, it isn’t the right choice for everyone. If your home is relatively protected from the elements you can save some money by going with an alternative roofing option. Let’s take a look at the other options:

  • Asphalt: Traditional asphalt shingles come in a variety of wind and impact ratings. A lower rating can save Colorado homeowners more money.
  • Concrete Tile: If you love the look and durability of clay tile, concrete tile is becoming a popular alternative. Colorado homeowners should know that upgrading to tile will require additional engineering to support the increased weight.
  • Metal: Another affordable and eco-friendly roofing alternative is a metal panel roof. These are the same metal roofs used in agriculture with a modern update to match the aesthetics of residential and commercial neighborhoods.

The Bottom Line on Best Roofing Options in Colorado

Most of the state of Colorado sees some pretty intense weather patterns. Homeowners can invest in high-impact roofing materials to give their homes the best chance of success in protecting against strong storms that bring high-winds and hail. While high-impact roofing is a safe bet–many more homeowners choose alternate materials like asphalt, tile, and metal for economic reasons. Since 2013, Cenco Building Systems has been a leading roofing company specializing in high-impact installation and storm damage repair across Colorado. Our team of expert roofers work with the best brands in the industry like Owens Corning and GAF to provide top-quality roofing installation and repair. Call to schedule your free roof inspection today.

Our thanks go out to the team and our partners for making this happen. Thanks to Channel 7 and their Everyday Hero spotlight for highlighting the positive impact that roofers around Denver such as Cenco are quietly making each year. Let’s get out and make a difference around Denver!https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/7everyday-hero/denver7-everyday-hero-installs-roofs-for-colorado-families-in-need?fbclid=IwAR1ul521bu7rH99tvJCa-oB2eWgqxE46isWvJr73eSHq1NC-0P8H9X3juGk

We are always thrilled to be able to help a neighbor complete some of their outstanding projects. In partnership with #Blues and BBQ For Better Housing, we were able to donate our time and a little grunt work to help Dan install a much needed fence and gate at his property. Thanks to the entire team for their hard work!

We set out to help at least 3 families in need in 2021 and with our recent charitable build in Littleton, we have already met our goal! A big thank you to our production and installation teams and our partners Owens Corning and Blues and BBQ for Better Housing to complete our third no cost installation of 2021. For another deserving family working with Habitat for Humanity Metro Denver in Littleton, Colorado, we were able to provide a much needed roof as part of the restoration of this family home. Our crews removed the old roof and replaced it with an upgraded Owens Corning Platinum Roofing System, generously donated by the team at Owens Corning. This included increasing the intake ventilation, adding ice and water barriers to limit ice damming, synthetic underlayment to replace the felt paper, a ridge vent exhaust system to replace the static box vents, and high performance, impact resistant Owens Corning Duration Storm shingles to replace the old dimensional shingles to better handle the hail and the temperature fluctuations we experience in Colorado. The past year has been difficult for everyone, and we are grateful to be in a position to give back in any way we can. This project would not have been possible without our NRCA certified crews and our corporate partnerships. We enjoy paying it forward to the community that supports us!

Cenco Building Services continues to give back to the community! We are so thankful to our production and installation teams and our partners Owens Corning and Blues and BBQ for Better Housing to complete our second no cost installation of 2021. This time, for a deserving family working with Habitat for Humanity Metro Denver in Littleton, Colorado, we were able to provide a much needed roof as part of the restoration of this family home. Our crews removed the old roof and replaced it with an upgraded Owens Corning Platinum Roofing System, generously donated by the team at Owens Corning. This included increasing the intake ventilation, adding ice and water barriers to limit ice damming, synthetic underlayment to replace the felt paper, a ridge vent exhaust system to replace the static box vents, and high performance, impact resistant Owens Corning Duration Storm shingles to replace the old dimensional shingles to better handle the hail and the temperature fluctuations we experience in Colorado.Many of us continue to work hard to shake off the damage of 2020, even as we are able to resume our normal years. The past year has been difficult for everyone, and we are grateful to be in a position to give back in any way we can. This project would not have been possible without our NRCA certified crews and our corporate partnerships. We enjoy paying it forward to the community that supports us Our crews removed the old roof and replaced it with an upgraded Owens Corning Platinum Roofing System, generously donated by the team at Owens Corning. This included increasing the intake ventilation, adding ice and water barriers to limit ice damming, synthetic underlayment to replace the felt paper, a ridge vent exhaust system to replace the static box vents, and high performance, impact resistant Owens Corning Duration Storm shingles to replace the old dimensional shingles to better handle the hail and the temperature fluctuations we experience in Colorado. Many of us continue to work hard to shake off the damage of 2020, even as we are able to resume our normal years. The past year has been difficult for everyone, and we are grateful to be in a position to give back in any way we can. This project would not have been possible without our NRCA certified crews and our corporate partnerships. We enjoy paying it forward to the community that supports us

As a Colorado homeowner, you need a roofing material that can handle hail, accumulated snowfall, and severe temperature swings. Our Rocky Mountain climate will put your shingle durability to the test! While impact-resistant shingles are more costly than standard architectural or 3-tab shingles, they offer several benefits that make the investment worth it. Below, our experienced roofers lay out several reasons why impact-resistant shingles might be the right choice for your home.

Weather Protection

When it comes to weather protection, Class 4 impact-resistant shingles are specifically designed to withstand high winds and hail. The dimensional design of standard architectural shingles can hold up to winds better than flat 3-tab shingles, but they fall short of the UL 2218 rating of impact-resistant options. If hail is a regular occurrence where you live, impact-resistant shingles are the best choice to avoid frequent damage and high-maintenance upkeep. For the ultimate level of protection, the ideal option is an SBS impact-resistant shingle. Designed from an asphalt-polymer blend, these shingles take on rubber-like characteristics that make them more flexible, thermal-resistant, and less likely to crack.


At the end of the day, investing in a more durable, impact-resistant roof upfront will help you avoid the cost of recurring repairs and stressful maintenance. When a storm is rolling in, you can rest easier knowing that your roof is engineered to withstand the elements. A roof replacement is a major undertaking for your home, so it’s a good idea to get the most out of the project with the longevity of impact-resistant shingles.

Effect on Home Value

As far as the Colorado market goes, potential buyers are looking for properties with adequate exterior protection. According to the National Association of the Remodeling Industry, a new roof is an exterior renovation that most appeals to home buyers. No one wants to buy a house in need of a roof replacement! When you upgrade your roof to impact-resistant shingles, you’re creating a selling point that adds significant value to your property.

Insurance Discounts

We’ve already discussed how impact-resistant shingles can reduce maintenance costs and increase the value of your home, but there’s another way this option can put money back in your pocket. A Class 4-rated roof can often score you discounts on your home insurance premiums. Most companies offer lower rates for the additional wind and hail protection of an impact-resistant roof.

Learn More About Our Premium Impact-Resistant Shingles Today

Interested in learning more about an impact-resistant roof upgrade? Cenco Building Services has provided Colorado homeowners with top-tier roofing services since 2013. We also deliver fast and responsive storm restoration assistance. Call today to speak with one of our roofing professionals or fill out our quick online form to request a free, no-pressure cost estimate.