Owens Corning is a well known and highly regarded name in the roofing industry. As part of their dedication to superior quality, Owens Corning created the Platinum Preferred Contractor program to help homeowners choose the very best roofing professionals in their area. Our team at Cenco Building Services recently attended the Owens Corning Platinum Preferred Contractors conference, and we are pleased to receive a 2020 Service Excellence award. As a 2019 recipient as well, this marks two consecutive years of superior customer service! Awards sound great on paper, but what does this mean for you? Owens Corning sets a high bar that few attain. There are approximately 17,000 contractors that use Owens Corning roofing products. Of these, only 144 are Platinum Preferred Contractors. As a Platinum Preferred Contractor, we at Cenco Building Services are proud to have a strong testament of our dedication to:

  • High Quality Construction
  • Contractor Training
  • Safe Installations
  • Fair Treatment of Employees
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Community Service

Whether you need a roof repair or roof replacement, you can count on Cenco Building Services to provide you with the best products and service possible!

Dear Cenco Customers: The health and well-being of our clients, employees and the communities we serve is of paramount importance. During these uncertain times related to the COVID-19 outbreak, we feel it is important to update you regarding our commitment to provide service and support. Communication and transparency are critical now more than ever, so these are the things we want you to know: We are here for you. Most of our service provision is considered low-contact, including roof replacements, repairs, and city inspections. We plan to operate and roofing services as requested by our clients. We require our teams to use hand sanitizer before exiting their vehicles prior to entering a client’s property and deep-cleaning tools and equipment. When clients do need to interact with one of our local team members directly, we understand that in order to reduce the potential spread of infection, we will comply with recommended social distancing practices and will not approach your front door unless requested. We also understand it’s tough to feel at ease in a time like this, and we are happy to send any information and invoices digitally via email upon client request. How are we responding as a company to COVID-19? While we provide an ESSENTIAL SERVICE in repairs and construction, we have taken the following precautions to care for our customers, our employees and our community in this challenging period:No Contact Inspections and Open-Air Appointments.Virtual Follow-up and Direct-to-client Video Sessions.No Contact Protocols for Repairs and Installations.Daily Temperature Checks for Technicians Prior to Deployment.Monitored On-Site Social Distancing for Crew Members.Color-Coded Crew Designations (Crew Leader/Crew Member) so Customers can follow progress from inside or outside home.24/7 Direct Text, Email and Phone Customer Support.No Contact Billing and Payment Methods.Online Reviews for Crews and Company upon Project Completion.Despite the uncertainty of the next few months, we continue to provide our critical repair and replacement services to customers while respecting the safety and space precautions required to protect our customers, our employees, and our community. practices and will not approach your front door unless requested. We also understand it’s tough to feel at ease in a time like this, and we are happy to send any information and invoices digitally via email upon client request. How are we responding as a company to COVID-19? While we provide an ESSENTIAL SERVICE in repairs and construction, we have taken the following precautions to care for our customers, our employees and our community in this challenging period:No Contact Inspections and Open-Air Appointments.Virtual Follow-up and Direct-to-client Video Sessions.No Contact Protocols for Repairs and Installations.Daily Temperature Checks for Technicians Prior to Deployment.Monitored On-Site Social Distancing for Crew Members.Color-Coded Crew Designations (Crew Leader/Crew Member) so Customers can follow progress from inside or outside home.24/7 Direct Text, Email and Phone Customer Support.No Contact Billing and Payment Methods.Online Reviews for Crews and Company upon Project Completion.Despite the uncertainty of the next few months, we continue to provide our critical repair and replacement services to customers while respecting the safety and space precautions required to protect our customers, our employees, and our community.

La compra de un nuevo sistema de techo es una inversion importante. Antes de gastar su dinero, tome tiempo para dedicarse a aprender como evaluar contratistas de techado que pueden estar trabajando en su casa o edificio. No todos los contratistas de techos son iguales; insista en trabajar solo con un miembro de la Asociacion de Contratistas de Techos (NRCA por sus siglas en Ingles). Contratistas miembros de la NRCA son reconocidos por tener un conocimiento especializado, haber recibido una formacion intensiva en una area particular y tienen la experiencia practica. Ellos le pueden mostrar como su sistema de techo puede ayudarle a ahorrar costos de energia tambien. Entonces, ?como puede determinar que contratista es el mejor para su trabajo? No hay metodos infalibles, pero hay algunas cosas importantes que puede hacer para ayudar a hacer la mejor decision posible para su situacion. La NRCA le recomienda precalificar su(s) contratista(s). Se puede requerir un poco de trabajo extra, pero la experiencia demuestra que vale la pena a lo largo para asegurarse de obtener los resultados que espera–un sistema de techo de alta calidad a un precio justo. Y recuerde mantener un sano escepticismo sobre la oferta mas baja. Si suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad, probablemente lo es. Muchas ofertas bajo costo, de los contratistas “que desaparecen” pueden ser atractivas, pero estos contratistas a menudo no tienen seguro, usan materiales de baja calidad, y realizan un trabajo de calidad inferior. El precio es solo uno de los criterios para la seleccion de un contratista de techos. El profesionalismo, materiales de alta calidad y la mano de obra tambien deben tener gran influencia en su decision. Puede precalificar a los contratistas de techado proyecto a proyecto o anualmente si trabaja regularmente con el(los) mismo(s) contratista(s). Siga los puntos incluidos en este folleto para asegurar que su contratista de techo tiene lo que se necesita para completar su exitoso proyecto de techado.

Descargar Mas Informacion Ahora (formato .pdf)

Todos los sistemas de techo de pendiente pronunciada (techos con porcentajes de pendiente de 25 % o mas) tienen cinco componentes basicos:

  • Cubierta del techo: Tejas, losetas, pizarra, metal o madera y recubrimiento inferior que protegen el revestimiento ante las diversas condiciones climaticas
  • Revestimiento: Tablas o materiales laminados que se sujetan a las vigas del techo para cubrir una casa o un edificio
  • Estructura del techo: Vigas y armazones que se construyen para soportar el revestimiento
  • Tapajuntas: Pedazos de metal que se usan para prevenir la infiltracion de agua alrededor de las intersecciones o proyecciones en un sistema de techo, como tuberias de ventilacion, chimeneas, valles y juntas en paredes verticales.

Un nuevo sistema de techo es una gran inversion. Queremos ayudarle a adquirir un sistema de techo de calidad a un precio justo por parte de un contratista profesional especialista en techos de la NRCA. Antes de gastar su dinero, dedique tiempo a aprender como evaluar a los contratistas especialistas en techos. Debe insistir en trabajar con un contratista profesional especialista en techos de la NRCA. La NRCA quiere ayudarle a lograr el tipo de resultados que espera, es decir, un sistema de techo de calidad a un precio justo. No todos los contratistas para techos son parecidos, y la NRCA le recomienda hacer una calificacion previa de los contratistas para que el trabajo quede bien la primera vez. Puede visitar everybodyneedsaroof.com para obtener mas informacion y buscar contratistas profesionales especialistas en techos de la NRCA en su area.

One of the most important components of your home is the roof–the part of your house that provides shelter from the elements, protection from falling tree branches, dust, and debris, and insulation from the cold and the heat. Aside from all of these practical purposes, your roof is also a huge factor in the appearance and curbside appeal of your entire property. Because it’s such an important part of the construction, roof replacement is not a home improvement project to take lightly. Doing research to find out more about your options for a roof renovation is the first step a homeowner should take in the process, while finding a reputable roofing company to guide you through a smooth replacement is the second. In this article, our expert roofing contractors at Cenco Building Services will share some information about roofing installation to help you determine your options.

Determining Your Roofing Material Needs

When it comes to roofing, the material you choose is one of the most important decisions you’ll need to make. Your area’s climate and weather conditions will impact your needs, which is why some areas of the country will depend heavily on metal roofing products while other areas in the county may focus on asphalt shingles, just to give an example. Aside from climate, the angle of the roof is also an important factor that can influence the type of material you choose. Some roofing materials like rubber polymer-modified shingles work better with flat roof construction, while others, such as wood shake shingles,will perform better on steep-slope rooftops. A reputable roofing company like Cenco Building Services can help you determine your needs for your roofing construction according to your home style, your climate, your budget, and other factors.

Common Roofing Materials

These are some of the most common roofing materials used in roof installations across the United States:

  • Asphalt Shingles: By far the cheapest and most obtainable. This, in turn, makes this shingle option the most popular choice. However, there are other more attractive options for those concerned with aesthetics. Plus, if durability is a concern, then it’s best to explore other options.
  • Wood Shake: Wood shake is beautiful, durable, and strong–although it does cost quite a bit more than asphalt and other options to install and maintain. It’s also flammable (but can be coated with a flame-retardant finish for extra protection from burning). Even so, those who live in wildfire-prone environments should exercise caution when choosing this option.
  • Metal Roofing: Typically made of steel or aluminum, this option has grown in popularity and appreciated for its sleek, modern look and durability. This is an excellent option for those that live in wildfire-prone areas or that would rest easier with a fireproof material.
  • Slate Roofing: Considered a high-end option, slate roofing offers attractiveness and extreme durability. Keep in mind that this option is extremely heavy and can sometimes require roof reinforcement for installation. As such, this is an expensive roofing option to pursue, although it can last a very long time given the proper maintenance it needs to stand strong for over a lifetime.
  • Synthetic Slate: Synthetic slate refers to rubberized tiles that closely resemble slate, but are made of recycled materials. They are lighter and less susceptible to damage. However, this option is not as common as other options and is also relatively new.
  • Clay/Ceramic Tile: Clay and ceramic tiles are known for their distinct style and durability, especially in Spanish-style or Mediterranean homes. However, the trend is beginning to shift to metal and composite materials that mimic the look of clay and ceramic tiles without the higher expense and heavy maintenance they require.

What Happens During Installation?

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with the material options, let’s review the roofing installation process before you start working with the crew. In general, the average-sized job will take 3-4 days to complete. Various factors such as unusual house shape or inclement weather can affect this timeline. Here’s what happens during a roofing replacement project, along with some options you may have to choose from depending on your needs:

  • Old Shingle Removal: All existing shingles are removed along with any damaged or old flashings and drip edgings. The key to this step is to prep the roof for all-new roofing. Anything that doesn’t need replacing but can be repaired is done at this time as well.
  • Ice Dam Protection: This is an optional choice for some, but sometimes necessary for cold, snowy regions such as Colorado. Ice dams are a serious threat that can compromise the structure of the roof, and protection can help to avoid having to deal with water damage from ice dam formations over the winter seasons.
  • Roofing Paper: This paper is laid down over the roof sheathing before the chosen shingles are laid down. This paper provides an additional barrier against water penetration.
  • Edgings and Flashing: At this point, new edgings and flashings are installed around the edge of the roof and other appropriate areas. Wherever two roof planes meet, flashing is installed accordingly.
  • Shingle Application: During this step, the chosen shingles are installed according to their specifications. Every material is different and comes with its own specific process.
  • Final Steps: Once the roof has been installed properly, clean-up and debris removal will begin. Make sure the new roof is inspected and approved by a building inspector before signing off on the project.

Roof Replacement with Cenco Building Services

The roof is an important part of the home. It provides protection against weather, boosts curb appeal, and regulates energy-efficiency. That’s why our team at Cenco Building Services is determined to provide quality service and products to our Denver area customers, and roof replacements that are guaranteed to last for decades to come. We proudly offer the following to our customers:

  • Roof Replacements
  • Roof Shingles
  • Roof Repairs
  • Roof Certifications
  • Roof Inspections
  • Roof Maintenance

Ready to begin your roofing installation with our team at Cenco Building Services? If so, give us a call to speak with one of our friendly agents about our professional roofing services or fill out our online form to schedule your free, in-home quote.

Because of our dedication to our customers, we’re always searching for new ways to raise the standards for businesses in the great state of Colorado. Among our participation with local charity organizations–for example, Habitat for Humanity and our own Cenco Aftercare Program–we are also committed to finding new ways to connect with our neighbors and fellow businesses in the greater Denver area. We are members of the Greater Stapleton Business Association–an organization dedicated to fostering relationships between businesses and our neighbors in Stapleton and the surrounding Denver areas. We’re excited to share the news about this local affiliation, as we’re eager for the chance to strengthen our ties with the community of Stapleton–and to continue providing the best in roofing services for our fellow residents in Colorado.

About the GSBA

The GSBA was formed as a way to help members of the Greater Stapleton community identify the area’s best businesses and neighborhood friendly organizations. Through membership with the GSBA, businesses can become involved in and connect with the community by attending and hosting monthly meetings, Happy Hours, and other exciting events in the neighborhood. Membership also grants businesses and representatives with the opportunity to spread the word about their services and offerings to the public. For example, new residents moving into the Stapleton area can add promotional items to a welcome bag provided by the organization. Members of the GSBA can also promote their business through the association’s social media pages and website.

Premium Denver Roofing Services in Stapleton

If you’re a homeowner in the greater Denver area and searching for a top-quality Denver roofing company, Cenco Building Services is at your service. Since 2013, we’ve served the community with outstanding insulation and roofing services customized to suit the needs and preferences of homeowners in Colorado. We take great pride in the state we live in–and are proud to provide the high-quality services and customer-first options for home remodeling that Colorado residents can trust. In addition, we’re committed to helping the community in every way that we can–with participation in the GSBA, various charity projects like Habitat for Humanity, Cenco’s own Aftercare Program, and other important projects that demonstrate our passion for Greater Stapleton, Denver, and the state of Colorado. To learn more about the services we provide, or for information about our association with the GSBA, Habitat for Humanity, or other organizations, give us a call to speak with a representative from Cenco Building Services now. Or, to get started right away with your own top-quality roofing or insulation project, don’t hesitate to request a free, in-home pricing estimate and personalized consultation by filling out our Denver roofing company’s online form.

Today the Cenco team is braving the cold morning to volunteer with Habitat For Humanity in Denver. We believe in rebuilding the communities we work in, and are committed to that part of our mission. So we are installing siding at a new Habitat community installing siding for future owners. We hope your new home brings great joy and great memories!

In recognition of the dedicated men, women and families that make our business function smoothly for customers, Cenco was happy to recognize the cultural traditions of many of our employees and to celebrate the 16th of Mexico today. It’s Independence Day in Mexico! So… my carne asada was a little dry, but we made up for it with games and laughter at the Cenco headquarters. #TeamworkDreamwork

It happens every year…someone gets scammed by either an intentionally misleading, or simply poorly run, roofing company. After they encounter a problem, they call us in a panic to try to resolve the issue. Sometimes we can help; other times, the damage is already done Please…Please…Please. Take your time before you hire a roofing company to complete your hail damage repairs. Read reviews, talk to customers, examine the products, look at licensing and insurance. With over 2,000 roofing companies across the Front Range, we know and are sympathetic to how hard it can be to separate the good ones from the bad ones. So do your research! Take your time! There are good companies out there who are happy to walk you through the process, helping guide you through the pitfalls that might trap other customers who rush into construction with no due diligence completed. Help us to help you get what you need and deserve–a quality product and a positive customer experience! #CencoCares

The crews at Cenco are out six days a week, safely installing quality roofing systems across the Front Range. Today we are installing a quality Owens Corning roofing system in Aurora, CO.With the recent 2019 hailstorms in Denver and Aurora, you may be experiencing leaks or questions about your roof. Call Cenco today at (720)-583-1690 to schedule a FREE, no obligation inspection with one of our licensed inspectors.