When it comes to choosing a roofing contractor for your project, it’s critical to consider the following points: When it comes to choosing a roofing contractor for your project, it’s critical to consider the following points: When it comes to choosing a roofing contractor for your project, it’s critical to consider the following points:

1. Take your time

As bad as most hail and wind storms appear, the damage they cause is degenerative and deteriorates over time. While ,any roofing contractors are focused on hard sell and scare tactics, most roofs are not in immediate danger of leaking. The only exception is if your roof is leaking!

2. Fix immediate leaks

As a property owner, you have an obligation under your insurance policy to protect your home from further damage. If you have a leak, don’t wait to get a temporary repair. Get a qualified roofer out to complete a temporary repair and then save your receipts. Any costs associated with such repairs should be reimbursable as a part of your claim.

3. Accept door knockers with a grain of salt

Door knockers are an unfortunate reality in the aftermath of storms. Even many reputable companies use them. Why? Because they work. Unfortunately, many knuckle head contractors rely on door knockers as their only source of business generation. Since it is often impossible to distinguish between a reputable company and a storm chaser at the door, do not be coerced into signing a contract by a door knocker. Instead, accept their information for what it is-information.

4. Check their BBB page:

Not only should a reputable contractor be a member, but you can also learn valuable information about them. Who owns them, are they in fact local, have they had complaints in the past? All of this will give you a good idea on their level of service to customers and what you expect in dealing with them.

5. Check former customer reviews

6. Check for insurance AND workman’s comp insurance

Every one carries general liability insurance. Most contractor’s do NOT carry workman’s comp insurance. Since it is expensive (since so few people carry it, and construction is inherently dangerous) be sure the contractor can provide you with evidence of both types of insurance before they begin any work at your property.

7. Know the CO roofing and consumer laws:

Check for SB38 compliance in contracts and know your rights, about deposits, workmanship and inspections

8. Look for documentation from your contractor:

Believe it or not, there are still a lot of roofing contractors out there who hand write 2 line estimates, or tell you they will operate for “insurance proceeds.” Be sure to get a detailed estimate from your contractor, that lists the components, quantities and unit costs of materials they intend to use at your property.