Wintertime in Denver brings sparkling snow, some brisk temperatures and snow! But it also yields lots of sunny, warm days. While Coloradans enjoy the refreshing change of seasons and the mix of sun and snow, it can wreak havoc on your roofing system. The reason? Constant expansion and contraction. While imperceptible to the naked eye, roofing shingles expand (stretching) and contract (shrinking) each and every day, and those effects are exacerbated by the seasonal change from warm to cold. This process forces individual shingles to unseal. Add in the freezing and melting of snow and the formation of ice dams, and Colorado roofs have to endure a lot during the Winter season. As a Colorado homeowner-especially along the Front Range-you must always be cautious in protecting your home from unwanted effects of the freeze and thaw cycle. At Cenco Building Services, we want our clients to protect the investment they have made in their homes. We offer these 4 simple steps to make sure your roof is ready for the next Denver winter: Know the condition of your roof before Winter arrives! Most homeowners do not have the expertise required to assess the condition of a roof, so it is advisable to have an expert inspect your roof to identify any red flags before Winter. Common points of failure are missing and unsealed shingles, deteriorated pipe boots and loose flashing. Call for a free, no-obligation and comprehensive roof inspection by Cenco Building Services so you can check that off your list. Visually check your roof from the ground every 6 months. While we never recommend walking the roof of your home due to the inherent dangers, you can look to see if there are any missing shingles or exposed flashing from a ground-level vantage point. If you find something, best to call a trained professional to verify and provide a repair. Look for signs of damage to the exterior paint. Cracking and peeling paint may indicate two things: 1) destructive ice dams are forming along your roof and damaging the roof/gutter drainage interaction, or 2) there have been leaks from damaged flashing or missing shingles. Most common areas to spot problems are inside corners or your soffit, under the gutters, especially if they are wood. Have your gutters professionally cleaned. Clogged gutters can lead to damage from ice dams that form at the roof’s edge due to the water not being able to travel down the gutter and away from the roof. Water also melts “over” the gutter and travels down the fascia and soffit behind them, creating structural damage. Contact Cenco Building Services Today With Winter approaching, the time has come-if you reside in Metro Denver or the surrounding areas-to have your roof inspected by Denver roofing company, Cenco Building Services. Melting snow, Ice Damming, and temperature changes can damage shingles and affect your causing your roof’s underlayment and longevity. Protect the investment you’ve made in your home by scheduling a no-obligation roof inspection with the team of Cenco Building Services. We are here to make sure your roof is ready for the winter in Denver, so call our friendly professionals now at (720) 583-1690!