The winter time in Colorado brings snow and brisk temperatures. While Coloradoans enjoy the refreshing change of the seasons and the mix of sun and snow, it can wreak havoc on your roofing system. While imperceptible to the naked eye, roofing shingles expand (stretch) and contract (shrink) each and every day. Those effects are exacerbated by the seasonal change from warm to cold.
As a Colorado homeowner – especially along the Front Range, you must always be cautious in protecting your home form unwanted effects of the freeze and thaw cycle


1. Know the conditions of your roof before winter arrives!

Most homeowners do not have the expertise required to assess the condition of a roof, so it is advisable to have an expert inspect your roof and identify any red flags before winter.

2. Visually check your roof from the ground every 6 months

While we never recommend walking under the roof of your home due to the inherent dangers, you can look to see if there are any missing shingles or exposed flashing from a ground-level vantage point.

3. Look for signs of damage to the exterior paint

Cracking and peeling paint may indicate two things: destructive dams are forming along your roof and damaging the roof/gutter interaction, or there are leaks from damaged flashing or missing shingles

4. Have your gutters professionally cleaned

Clogged gutters can lead to damage from ice dams that form at the roof’s edge due to the water not being able to travel down the gutter and away from the house. With winter approaching, the time has come to have your roof inspected! Protect the investment you’ve made in your home by scheduling a no-obligation roof inspection with a trained inspector from CENCO Building Services