If you lived within a several block radius of Denver’s South Irving Street between West Dakota Avenue and West Alaska Place on June 6, 2015 or happened to drive by the area, chances are you saw the unusual and uncommon sight of massive piles of hail. The pavement, sidewalks, cars, and homes were covered up to a height of 4 feet by plowable hail. It looked as if it had snowed in June for these Denver homeowners. In fact, plowable hail has fallen in Colorado one or more times per year since at least 2009 measuring from 2 inches up to over 4 feet deep.The weight of the plowable hail is considerably damaging to roofs as is the speed with which it falls. These piles of deep hail can accumulate in a very short period of time, which does not allow the hail to rapidly melt as with typical storms that drop hailstones. Therefore, when it begins to slowly melt, the water flow can leak into crevices, cracks and collapsed portions of roofs.A major concern for Colorado residents may not be the novel occurrence of plowable hail. However, hail can wreak serious damage to an already aged and/or damaged roof. A roof inspection after a hailstorm with quarter-sized stones is your best defense against a compromised roof that can allow moisture and water to seep into your home causing widespread damage that reaches far beyond the shingles. If you believe that your roof may have sustained hail damage or it has been over a year since your roof was last inspected, contact the roofing experts of Cenco Building Services. One of our team members will provide you with an honest assessment of the condition of your roof with a timeframe during which your roof should be either replaced or reevaluated. We serve Denver metro area residents with all of their roofing services, restoration and remodeling projects, so schedule your no-obligation roof inspection by calling our friendly staff today at (720) 583-1690.